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0 541889 $217,000.00 LOT 20213757 1407 Church St,FLORENCE Marcia Lyles
0 570213 $18,000.00 LOT 20231026 RESIDENTIAL LOT, 1/3 ACRE. 432 E Siesta Dr,FLORENCE Marcia Lyles
0 570226 $18,000.00 LOT 20231024 RESIDENTIAL LOT, 1/3 ACRE. 436 E Siesta Dr,FLORENCE Marcia Lyles
0 570236 $18,000.00 LOT 20231023 RESIDENTIAL LOT, 1/3 ACRE. 428 E Siesta Dr,FLORENCE Marcia Lyles
0 570237 $18,000.00 LOT 20231022 RESIDENTIAL LOT, 1/3 ACRE. 424 E Siesta Village Dr,FLORENCE Marcia Lyles
0 570606 $18,000.00 LOT 20231021 RESIDENTIAL LOT, 1/3 ACRE. 401 E Tierra Dr,FLORENCE Marcia Lyles